Professor Nigel Temperton

Chair in Molecular Virology

Curriculum vitae

01634 202957

Medway School of Pharmacy

University of Kent

Medway School of Pharmacy,
Anson Building,
Central Avenue,
Chatham Maritime,
Kent, ME4 4TB
United Kingdom


Funded projects

NIHR/HICC: Humoral Immune Correlates for COVID19

HICC: Humoral Immune Correlates for COVID19: Defining protective responses and critical readouts for Clinical Trials of Vaccines and Therapeutics

Rosetrees Trust and COVIDsortium

Antibody studies of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2): Protection, Pathogenesis and vaccine studies

Bill & Melinda Gates DIOS-UIVA

Digital Immune Optimized And Selected Universal Influenza Vaccine Antigens (DIOS-UIVA)

MRC COVID-19 Rapid Response Call

COVID-19: nCoV: Developing CoV-bnMABs for therapy of highly pathogenic coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2

Wellcome Trust Epidemic Preparedness: COVID-19

A comprehensive study of immunopathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 infection

Innovate UK DIOS PIVa

Digital Immune Optimized and Selected Pan-Influenza Vaccine Antigens (DIOS-PIVa)

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